AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-20Switch to wayland, need to finish bar configHEADmasterRatakor
2023-12-10Move neovim config to lua with lazy.nvimRatakor
2023-11-30Remove asm.vim + add neotest and vividRatakor
2023-10-18Add more packages and small config changesRatakor
2023-08-30Update, more info in commit messageRatakor
2023-08-13Readd sic, remove exa + rg, add tpercent, gruvboxRatakor
2023-07-12* Replace man-db with mandocRatakor
2023-07-11Swap dwmblocks to sbRatakor
2023-06-30Improve plumber and other changesRatakor
2023-05-23Various fixes and small changesRatakor
2023-05-13Update zshrc and header + small changesRatakor
2023-05-09Remove sic/ircRatakor
2023-05-09Update neovim configurationRatakor
2023-05-01Replace Noto Sans with Luciole and scripts changeRatakor
2023-04-27Rework themeswap, add gruvbox-lightRatakor
2023-04-26Remove comments on sxhkdrc, other small stuffRatakor
2023-04-23fix randwp, fix mail.desktop, update musiccmd, add glow config, add python co...Ratakor
2023-04-19add dwmblocks config, add config for catppuccin and everforestRatakor
2023-04-17update Xresource config, add themeswap, add plumber, replace dunst with herbeRatakor
2023-04-15too much changes, read the commitRatakor
2023-04-11add irc.desktop, add fancy colors to nvim config, prettier MakefileRatakor
2023-04-08add btop config, gammastep -> redshift, remove AUR packagesRatakor
2023-04-05lsp comes from pacman instead of masonRatakor
2023-04-04add flags to aurinstall, use claws-mail instead of neomuttRatakor
2023-04-03add aursearch, move git stuff to ratakor-repo, add package descritpion, fix g...Ratakor
2023-04-01gcc -> clang, add comments to some scripts, add cargo to PATHRatakor
2023-03-30add gtk3 theme, add dracula theme to zathuraRatakor
2023-03-29add part of chromium config, put manpdf in dmenusearch, remove swallow and wa...Ratakor
2023-03-26.local/bin: move quand to AUR, randwp can handle multiple screen, add waldlRatakor
2023-03-25add neomutt + various changeRatakor
2023-03-22.local/bin/hole: handle encryption, decryption and stdinRatakor
2023-03-20bin: add hole and randwp, replace dmenuwebsearch with dmenusearch, replaceRatakor
2023-03-15pulseaudio -> pipewireRatakor
2023-03-15add mpv music scripts, optimize musiccmdRatakor
2023-03-13config: add dunst, move some XDG_DIR to $HOME/tmp, remove useless neofetch co...Ratakor
2023-03-10scripts: reformmating, fix music, music now handle links from fileRatakor
2023-03-09dmenuwebsearch: bash -> sh and ex can now handle multiple files at onceRatakor
2023-03-08when -> quand, fix aurinstallRatakor
2023-03-05scripts: add ex to extract file easily, add fav and thumbnail to musiccmd, re...Ratakor
2023-03-03move zsh config to .local/etc/zsh, replace .zprofile symlink with /etc/zsh/zs...Ratakor
2023-03-02scrot -> maim, add volume control in musiccmdRatakor
2023-02-27update package for artixRatakor
2023-02-27remove mesofetch + fix stuffRatakor
2023-02-27feh -> xwallpaper + small changesRatakor
2023-02-26nvim: coc.nvim -> lspconfig + mason + cmp, add luasnip, vim-commentary and un...Ratakor
2023-02-22add musiccmd to control mpvsocket, add screencast script, add mpv conf, chang...Ratakor
2023-02-20move statusbar scripts to dwmblocks repo, cleanupRatakor
2023-02-19update README, other updatesRatakor
2023-02-18change sh from bash to dash, fix font size dwm, fix xdg-open, update scripts ...Ratakor
2023-02-17fix musicRatakor