diff options
22 files changed, 139 insertions, 4589 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9950582..1712a0f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,16 +7,19 @@ I recommand [LuaSnip](https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip) as snippet engine
for Neovim.
## Installation
-**vim-plug + LuaSnip**:
-call plug#begin()
-Plug 'ratakor/vim-snippets'
-Plug 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip', {'do': 'make install_jsregexp'}
-call plug#end()
+**lazy.nvim + LuaSnip**:
+ "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip",
+ build = "make install_jsregexp",
+ dependencies = {
+ "ratakor/vim-snippets",
+ },
-lua << EOF
- require("luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate").lazy_load()
+-- ...
## Variables
diff --git a/snippets/all.snippets b/snippets/all.snippets
index 9546dfd..42ad042 100644
--- a/snippets/all.snippets
+++ b/snippets/all.snippets
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# Global snippets
# (c) holds no legal value ;)
+# who cares
snippet c)
- Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${1:`g:snips_author`}. All Rights Reserved.
+ Copyright (c) ${1:`g:snips_author`}
+# Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${1:`g:snips_author`}. All Rights Reserved.
snippet date
snippet ddate
diff --git a/snippets/asm.snippets b/snippets/asm.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c7f70f..0000000
--- a/snippets/asm.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-snippet scode Start basic code for assembly
- .data
- .text
- .global main
- main:
-snippet scodes Start basic code for assembly with _start label
- .data
- .text
- .globl _start
- _start:
-snippet lo Long
- $1: .long $2
-snippet wo Word
- $1: .word $2
-snippet by Byte
- $1: .byte $2
-snippet sp Space
- $1: .space $2
-snippet ai Ascii
- $1: .ascii "$2"
-snippet az Asciz
- $1: .asciz "$2"
-snippet ze Zero
- $1: .zero "$2"
-snippet qu Quad
- $1: .quad "$2"
-snippet si Single
- $1: .single "$2"
-snippet do Double
- $1: .single "$2"
-snippet fl Float
- $1: .single "$2"
-snippet oc Octa
- $1: .single "$2"
-snippet sh Short
- $1: .single "$2"
-snippet exit0 Exit without error
- movl \$1, %eax
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- int \$0x80
-snippet exit Exit with error
- mov \$1, %eax
- mov $1, %ebx
- int \$0x80
-snippet readfstdin Read fixed length text from stdin
- mov \$3, %eax
- mov \$2, %ebx
- mov $1, %ecx
- mov $2, %edx
- int \$0x80
-snippet writestdout Write text to stdout
- mov \$4, %eax
- mov \$1, %ebx
- mov $1, %ecx
- mov $2, %edx
- int \$0x80
-snippet writestderr Write text to stderr
- mov \$4, %eax
- mov \$2, %ebx
- mov $1, %ecx
- mov $2, %edx
- int \$0x80
-snippet * Multiplication
- mov $1, %eax
- mul $2
-snippet / Division
- mov $1, %eax
- div $2
-snippet jmpl Conditional lower jump
- cmp $1, $2
- jl $3
-snippet jmple Conditional lower or equal jump
- cmp $1, $2
- jle $3
-snippet jmpe Conditional equal jump
- cmp $1, $2
- je $3
-snippet jmpn Conditional not equal jump
- cmp $1, $2
- jn $3
-snippet jmpg Conditional greater jump
- cmp $1, $2
- jg $3
-snippet jmpge Conditional greater or equal jump
- cmp $1, $2
- je $3
-snippet loopn Loop n times
- mov $1, %ecx
- et_for:
- $2
- loop et_for
-snippet loopnn Loop n-1 times
- mov $1, %ecx
- dec %ecx
- et_for:
- $2
- loop et_for
-snippet loopv Loop through a vector
- lea $1, %edi
- xor %ecx, %ecx
- et_for:
- cmp %ecx, $2
- je $3
- $4
- inc %ecx
- jmp et_for
-snippet mul Multiply
- xor %edx, %edx
- mov $1, %eax
- mul $2
-snippet mul64 Multiply numbers greater than 2^32
- mov $1, %edx
- mov $2, %eax
- mul $3
-snippet div Divide
- xor %edx, %edx
- mov $1, %eax
- div $2
-snippet div64 Divide numbers greater than 2^32
- mov $1, %edx
- mov $2, %eax
- div $3
-snippet pr Call printf
- pushl $1
- call printf
- popl $2
-snippet sc Call scanf
- pushl $1
- call scanf
- popl $2
-snippet mindex Current index from a matrix
- xor %edx, %edx
- movl $1, %eax
- mull $2
- addl $3, %eax
-snippet ffl Call fflush
- pushl \$0
- call fflush
- popl $1
-snippet at Call atoi
- pushl $1
- call atoi
- popl $2
-snippet len Call strlen
- pushl $1
- call strlen
- popl $2
-snippet proc Basic procedure
- $1:
- pushl %ebp
- movl %esp, %ebp
- $2
- popl %ebp
- ret
diff --git a/snippets/awk.snippets b/snippets/awk.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 64f61c0..0000000
--- a/snippets/awk.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# cannot use /usr/bin/env because it does not support parameters (as -f)
-snippet #! #!/usr/bin/awk -f
- #!/usr/bin/awk -f
-# @include is a gawk extension
-snippet inc @include
- @include "${1}"${0}
-# @load is a gawk extension
-snippet loa @load
- @load "${1}"${0}
-snippet beg BEGIN { ... }
- ${0}
- }
-# BEGINFILE is a gawk extension
-snippet begf BEGINFILE { ... }
- ${0}
- }
-snippet end END { ... }
- END {
- ${0}
- }
-# ENDFILE is a gawk extension
-snippet endf ENDFILE { ... }
- ${0}
- }
-snippet pri print
- print ${1:"${2}"}${0}
-snippet printf printf
- printf("${1:%s}\n", ${2})${0}
-snippet ign IGNORECASE
- IGNORECASE = ${1:1}
-snippet if if {...}
- if (${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet ife if ... else ...
- if (${1}) {
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- } else {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet eif else if ...
- else if (${1}) {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet el else {...}
- else {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet wh while
- while (${1}) {
- ${2}
- }
-snippet do do ... while
- do {
- ${0}
- } while (${1})
-snippet for for
- for (${2:i} = 0; i < ${1:n}; ${3:++i}) {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet fore for each
- for (${1:i} in ${2:array}) {
- ${0}
- }
-# the switch is a gawk extension
-snippet sw switch
- switch (${1}) {
- case ${2}:
- ${3}
- break
- default:
- ${0}
- break
- }
-# the switch is a gawk extension
-snippet case case
- case ${1}:
- ${0}
- break
diff --git a/snippets/bash.snippets b/snippets/bash.snippets
index 65b0707..a70162d 100644
--- a/snippets/bash.snippets
+++ b/snippets/bash.snippets
@@ -1,25 +1 @@
extends sh
-# Shebang
-snippet #!
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
-snippet s#!
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -eu
-snippet if
- if [[ $1 ]]; then
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- fi
-snippet elif
- elif [[ $1 ]]; then
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet wh
- while [[ $1 ]]; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet until
- until [[ $1 ]]; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
diff --git a/snippets/c.snippets b/snippets/c.snippets
index c420850..e10611a 100644
--- a/snippets/c.snippets
+++ b/snippets/c.snippets
@@ -161,33 +161,3 @@ snippet pr
snippet fpr
fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2:%s}\n"${3});
-snippet prd
- printf("${1:} = %d\n", $1);
-snippet prf
- printf("${1:} = %f\n", $1);
-snippet prx
- printf("${1:} = %${2}\n", $1);
-snippet warn
- warn("${1:%s}");
-snippet die
- die(${1:1}, "${2:%s}");
-snippet asr
- assert($1);
-snippet anl
- assert(${1:p} != NULL);
-snippet fre
- free(${1:p});
-snippet mlc
- ${1:p} = malloc(sizeof(*$1));
-snippet clc
- ${1:p} = calloc(${3:nmemb}, sizeof(*$1));
-snippet rlc
- ${1:p} = realloc($1, ${2:size});
-snippet rlca
- ${1:p} = reallocarray($1, ${2:nmemb}, ${3:size});
-snippet memd
- ${1:np} = memdup(${2:p}, ${3:size});
-snippet strd
- ${1:p} = strdup(${2:s});
-snippet strnd
- ${1:p} = strndup(${2:s}, ${3:n});
diff --git a/snippets/clojure.snippets b/snippets/clojure.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9d070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snippets/clojure.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+snippet comm
+ (comment
+ ${0})
+snippet condp
+ (condp ${1:pred} ${2:expr}
+ ${0})
+snippet def
+ (def ${0})
+snippet defm
+ (defmethod ${1:multifn} "${2:doc-string}" ${3:dispatch-val} [${4:args}]
+ ${0:code})
+snippet defmm
+ (defmulti ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" ${0:dispatch-fn})
+snippet defma
+ (defmacro ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" ${0:dispatch-fn})
+snippet defn
+ (defn ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" [${3:arg-list}]
+ ${0:code})
+snippet defp
+ (defprotocol ${1:name}
+ ${0:code})
+snippet defr
+ (defrecord ${1:name} [${2:fields}]
+ ${3:protocol}
+ ${0:code})
+snippet deft
+ (deftest ${1:name}
+ (is (= ${0:assertion})))
+snippet is
+ (is (= ${1} ${0}))
+snippet defty
+ (deftype ${1:Name} [${2:fields}]
+ ${3:Protocol}
+ ${0:code})
+snippet doseq
+ (doseq [${1:elem} ${2:coll}]
+ ${0:code})
+snippet fn
+ (fn [${1:arg-list}] ${0:code})
+snippet if
+ (if ${1:test-expr}
+ ${2:then-expr}
+ ${0:else-expr})
+snippet if-let
+ (if-let [${1:result} ${2:test-expr}]
+ (${3:then-expr} $1)
+ (${0:else-expr}))
+snippet imp
+ (:import [${1:package}])
+ & {:keys [${1:keys}] :or {${0:defaults}}}
+snippet let
+ (let [${1:name} ${2:expr}]
+ ${0:code})
+snippet letfn
+ (letfn [(${1:name}) [${2:args}]
+ ${0:code})])
+snippet map
+ (map ${1:func} ${0:coll})
+snippet mapl
+ (map #(${1:lambda}) ${0:coll})
+snippet met
+ (${1:name} [${2:this} ${3:args}]
+ ${0:code})
+snippet ns
+ (ns ${0:name})
+snippet dotimes
+ (dotimes [_ 10]
+ (time
+ (dotimes [_ ${1:times}]
+ ${0:code})))
+snippet pmethod
+ (${1:name} [${2:this} ${0:args}])
+snippet refer
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [${0}])
+snippet require
+ (:require [${1:namespace} :as [${0}]])
+snippet use
+ (:use [${1:namespace} :only [${0}]])
+snippet print
+ (println ${0})
+snippet reduce
+ (reduce ${1:(fn [p n] ${3})} ${2})
+snippet when
+ (when ${1:test} $0)
+snippet when-let
+ (when-let [${1:result} ${2:test}]
+ $0)
diff --git a/snippets/cmake.snippets b/snippets/cmake.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 54b9566..0000000
--- a/snippets/cmake.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-snippet init
- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${1:2.8.2})
- project(${2:ProjectName})
- find_package(${3:library})
- include_directories(${$3_INCLUDE_DIRS})
- add_subdirectory(${0:src})
- add_executable($2)
- target_link_libraries($2 ${$3_LIBRARIES})
-snippet proj
- project(${0:Name})
-snippet min
- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${0:2.8.2})
-snippet include
- include_directories(${${0:include_dir}})
-snippet find
- find_package(${1:library} ${0:REQUIRED})
-snippet glob
- file(glob ${1:srcs} *.${0:cpp})
-snippet subdir
- add_subdirectory(${0:src})
-snippet lib
- add_library(${1:lib} ${${0:srcs}})
-snippet link
- target_link_libraries(${1:bin} ${0:somelib})
-snippet bin
- add_executable(${1:bin})
-snippet set
- set(${1:var} ${0:val})
-snippet dep
- add_dependencies(${1:target}
- ${0:dep}
- )
-snippet Ext_url
- include(ExternalProject)
- ExternalProject_Add(${1:googletest}
- URL ${2:http://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-1.7.0.zip}
- URL_HASH SHA1=${3:f85f6d2481e2c6c4a18539e391aa4ea8ab0394af}
- SOURCE_DIR "${4:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest-src}"
- BINARY_DIR "${0:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest-build}"
- )
-snippet Ext_git
- include(ExternalProject)
- ExternalProject_Add(${1:googletest}
- GIT_REPOSITORY ${2:https://github.com/google/googletest.git}
- GIT_TAG ${3:master}
- SOURCE_DIR "${4:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-src}"
- BINARY_DIR "${0:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-build}"
- )
-snippet props
- set_target_properties(${1:target}
- ${2:properties} ${3:compile_flags}
- ${0:"-O3 -Wall -pedantic"}
- )
-snippet test
- add_test(${1:ATestName} ${0:testCommand --options})
diff --git a/snippets/cs.snippets b/snippets/cs.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index ebca0f7..0000000
--- a/snippets/cs.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-# cs.snippets
-# ===========
-# Standard C-Sharp snippets for snipmate.
-# Largely ported over from Visual Studio 2010 snippets plus
-# a few snippets from Resharper plus a few widely known snippets.
-# Most snippets on elements (i.e. classes, properties)
-# follow suffix conventions. The order of suffixes to a snippet
-# is fixed.
-# Snippet Suffix Order
-# --------------------
-# 1. Access Modifiers
-# 2. Class Modifiers
-# Access Modifier Suffix Table
-# ----------------------------
-# + = public
-# & = internal
-# | = protected
-# - = private
-# Example: `cls&` expands to `internal class $1`.
-# Access modifiers might be doubled to indicate
-# different modifiers for get/set on properties.
-# Example: `pb+-` expands to `public bool $1 { get; private set; }`
-# Class Modifier Table
-# --------------------
-# ^ = static
-# % = abstract
-# Example: `cls|%` expands to `protected abstract class $1`
-# On method and property snippets, you can directly set
-# one of the common types int, string and bool, if desired,
-# just by appending the type modifier.
-# Type Modifier Table
-# -------------------
-# i = integer
-# s = string
-# b = bool
-# Example: `pi+&` expands to `public int $1 { get; internal set; }`
-# I'll most propably add more stuff in here like
-# * List/Array constructio
-# * Mostly used generics
-# * Linq
-# * Funcs, Actions, Predicates
-# * Lambda
-# * Events
-# Feedback is welcome!
-# Main
-snippet sim
- ${1:public} static int Main(string[] args)
- {
- ${0}
- return 0;
- }
-snippet simc
- public class Application
- {
- ${1:public} static int Main(string[] args)
- {
- ${0}
- return 0;
- }
- }
-snippet svm
- ${1:public} static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# if condition
-snippet if
- if (${1:true})
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet el
- else
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet ifs
- if (${1})
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-# ternary conditional
-snippet t
- ${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
-snippet ?
- ${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
-# do while loop
-snippet do
- do
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } while (${1:true});
-# while loop
-snippet wh
- while (${1:true})
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# for loop
-snippet for
- for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:count}; $1${3:++})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet forr
- for (int ${1:i} = ${2:length}; $1 >= 0; $1--)
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# foreach
-snippet fore
- foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet foreach
- foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet each
- foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# interfaces
-snippet interface
- public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet if+
- public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# class bodies
-snippet class
- public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls
- ${2:public} class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls+
- public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls+^
- public static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls&
- internal class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls&^
- internal static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls|
- protected class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet cls|%
- protected abstract class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# constructor
-snippet ctor
- public ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}()
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# properties - auto properties by default.
-# default type is int with layout get / set.
-snippet prop
- ${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
-snippet p
- ${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
-snippet p+
- public ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet p+&
- public ${1:int} ${2} { get; internal set; }
-snippet p+|
- public ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
-snippet p+-
- public ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
-snippet p&
- internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet p&|
- internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
-snippet p&-
- internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
-snippet p|
- protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet p|-
- protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
-snippet p-
- private ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
-# property - bool
-snippet pi
- ${1:public} int ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet pi+
- public int ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pi+&
- public int ${1} { get; internal set; }
-snippet pi+|
- public int ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet pi+-
- public int ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pi&
- internal int ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pi&|
- internal int ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet pi&-
- internal int ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pi|
- protected int ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pi|-
- protected int ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pi-
- private int ${1} { get; set; }
-# property - bool
-snippet pb
- ${1:public} bool ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet pb+
- public bool ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pb+&
- public bool ${1} { get; internal set; }
-snippet pb+|
- public bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet pb+-
- public bool ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pb&
- internal bool ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pb&|
- internal bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet pb&-
- internal bool ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pb|
- protected bool ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet pb|-
- protected bool ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet pb-
- private bool ${1} { get; set; }
-# property - string
-snippet ps
- ${1:public} string ${2} { get; set; }
-snippet ps+
- public string ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet ps+&
- public string ${1} { get; internal set; }
-snippet ps+|
- public string ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet ps+-
- public string ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet ps&
- internal string ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet ps&|
- internal string ${1} { get; protected set; }
-snippet ps&-
- internal string ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet ps|
- protected string ${1} { get; set; }
-snippet ps|-
- protected string ${1} { get; private set; }
-snippet ps-
- private string ${1} { get; set; }
-# members - void
-snippet m
- ${1:public} ${2:void} ${3}(${4})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet m+
- public ${1:void} ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet m&
- internal ${1:void} ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet m|
- protected ${1:void} ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet m-
- private ${1:void} ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# members - int
-snippet mi
- ${1:public} int ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0:return 0;}
- }
-snippet mi+
- public int ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return 0;}
- }
-snippet mi&
- internal int ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return 0;}
- }
-snippet mi|
- protected int ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return 0;}
- }
-snippet mi-
- private int ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return 0;}
- }
-# members - bool
-snippet mb
- ${1:public} bool ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0:return false;}
- }
-snippet mb+
- public bool ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return false;}
- }
-snippet mb&
- internal bool ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return false;}
- }
-snippet mb|
- protected bool ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return false;}
- }
-snippet mb-
- private bool ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return false;}
- }
-# members - string
-snippet ms
- ${1:public} string ${2}(${3})
- {
- ${0:return "";}
- }
-snippet ms+
- public string ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return "";}
- }
-snippet ms&
- internal string ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return "";}
- }
-snippet ms|
- protected string ${1:}(${2:})
- {
- ${0:return "";}
- }
-snippet ms-
- private string ${1}(${2})
- {
- ${0:return "";}
- }
-# structure
-snippet struct
- public struct ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# enumeration
-snippet enum
- enum ${1}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet enum+
- public enum ${1}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# preprocessor directives
-snippet #if
- #if
- ${0}
- #endif
-# inline xml documentation
-snippet ///
- /// <summary>
- /// ${0}
- /// </summary>
-snippet <p
- <param name="${1}">${2:$1}</param>
-snippet <ex
- <exception cref="${1:System.Exception}">${2}</exception>
-snippet <r
- <returns>${1}</returns>
-snippet <s
- <see cref="${1}"/>
-snippet <rem
- <remarks>${1}</remarks>
-snippet <c
- <code>${1}</code>
-snippet cw
- Console.WriteLine(${1});
-# equals override
-snippet eq
- public override bool Equals(object obj)
- {
- if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())
- {
- return false;
- }
- ${0:throw new NotImplementedException();}
- return base.Equals(obj);
- }
-# exception
-snippet exc
- public class ${1:MyException} : ${2:Exception}
- {
- public $1() { }
- public $1(string message) : base(message) { }
- public $1(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
- protected $1(
- System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
- System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
- : base(info, context) { }
- }
-# indexer
-snippet index
- public ${1:object} this[${2:int} index]
- {
- get { ${0} }
- set { ${0} }
- }
-# eventhandler
-snippet inv
- EventHandler temp = ${1:MyEvent};
- if (${2:temp} != null)
- {
- $2();
- }
-# lock
-snippet lock
- lock (${1:this})
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# namespace
-snippet namespace
- namespace ${1:MyNamespace}
- {
- ${0}
- }
-# property
-snippet propr
- public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }
-snippet propf
- private ${1:int} ${2:myVar};
- public $1 ${3:MyProperty}
- {
- get { return $2; }
- set { $2 = value; }
- }
-snippet propg
- public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }
-# switch
-snippet switch
- switch (${1:switch_on})
- {
- ${0}
- default:
- }
-# try
-snippet try
- try
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
- catch (${1:System.Exception})
- {
- throw;
- }
-snippet tryf
- try
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
- finally
- {
- ${1}
- }
-# using
-snippet usi
- using (${1:resource})
- {
- ${0}
- }
diff --git a/snippets/css.snippets b/snippets/css.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf149d..0000000
--- a/snippets/css.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@
-snippet . "selector { }"
- ${1} {
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- }${0}
-snippet ! "!important"
- !important
-snippet bdi:m+
- -moz-border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${7:stretch};${0}
-snippet bdi:m
- -moz-border-image: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdrz:m
- -moz-border-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bxsh:m+
- -moz-box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${4:000};${0}
-snippet bxsh:m
- -moz-box-shadow: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdi:w+
- -webkit-border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${7:stretch};${0}
-snippet bdi:w
- -webkit-border-image: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdrz:w
- -webkit-border-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bxsh:w+
- -webkit-box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${4:000};${0}
-snippet bxsh:w
- -webkit-box-shadow: ${1};${0}
-snippet @f
- @font-face {
- font-family: ${1};
- src: url(${2});
- }${0}
-snippet @i
- @import url(${1});${0}
-snippet @m "@media mediatype { }"
- @media ${1:print} {
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- }${0}
-snippet ac
- align-content: ${1:stretch};
-snippet ac:s
- align-content: start;
-snippet ac:e
- align-content: end;
-snippet ac:c
- align-content: center;
-snippet ac:fs
- align-content: flex-start;
-snippet ac:fe
- align-content: flex-end;
-snippet ac:sb
- align-content: space-between;
-snippet ac:sa
- align-content: space-around;
-snippet ac:se
- align-content: space-evenly;
-snippet ac:st
- align-content: stretch;
-snippet ac:b
- align-content: baseline;
-snippet ac:fb
- align-content: first baseline;
-snippet ac:lb
- align-content: last baseline;
-snippet ai
- align-items: ${1:stretch};
-snippet ai:s
- align-items: start;
-snippet ai:e
- align-items: end;
-snippet ai:c
- align-items: center;
-snippet ai:fs
- align-items: flex-start;
-snippet ai:fe
- align-items: flex-end;
-snippet ai:st
- align-items: stretch;
-snippet ai:b
- align-items: baseline;
-snippet ai:fb
- align-items: first baseline;
-snippet ai:lb
- align-items: last baseline;
-snippet as
- align-self: ${1:stretch};
-snippet as:s
- align-self: start;
-snippet as:e
- align-self: end;
-snippet as:c
- align-self: center;
-snippet as:st
- align-self: stretch;
-snippet as:fs
- align-self: flex-start;
-snippet as:fe
- align-self: flex-end;
-snippet as:b
- align-self: baseline;
-snippet as:fb
- align-self: first baseline;
-snippet as:lb
- align-self: last baseline;
-snippet bg+
- background: #${1:fff} url(${2}) ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:no-repeat};${0}
-snippet bga
- background-attachment: ${1};${0}
-snippet bga:f
- background-attachment: fixed;
-snippet bga:s
- background-attachment: scroll;
-snippet bgbk
- background-break: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgbk:bb
- background-break: bounding-box;
-snippet bgbk:c
- background-break: continuous;
-snippet bgbk:eb
- background-break: each-box;
-snippet bgcp
- background-clip: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgcp:bb
- background-clip: border-box;
-snippet bgcp:cb
- background-clip: content-box;
-snippet bgcp:nc
- background-clip: no-clip;
-snippet bgcp:pb
- background-clip: padding-box;
-snippet bgc
- background-color: #${1:fff};${0}
-snippet bgc:t
- background-color: transparent;
-snippet bgi
- background-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bgi:n
- background-image: none;
-snippet bgo
- background-origin: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgo:bb
- background-origin: border-box;
-snippet bgo:cb
- background-origin: content-box;
-snippet bgo:pb
- background-origin: padding-box;
-snippet bgpx
- background-position-x: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgpy
- background-position-y: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgp
- background-position: ${1:0} ${2:0};${0}
-snippet bgr
- background-repeat: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgr:n
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
-snippet bgr:x
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
-snippet bgr:y
- background-repeat: repeat-y;
-snippet bgr:r
- background-repeat: repeat;
-snippet bgz
- background-size: ${1};${0}
-snippet bgz:a
- background-size: auto;
-snippet bgz:ct
- background-size: contain;
-snippet bgz:cv
- background-size: cover;
-snippet bg
- background: ${1};${0}
-snippet bg:ie
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='${1}',sizingMethod='${0:crop}');
-snippet bg:n
- background: none;
-snippet bd+
- border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet bdb+
- border-bottom: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet bdbc
- border-bottom-color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet bdbi
- border-bottom-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdbi:n
- border-bottom-image: none;
-snippet bdbli
- border-bottom-left-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdbli:c
- border-bottom-left-image: continue;
-snippet bdbli:n
- border-bottom-left-image: none;
-snippet bdblrz
- border-bottom-left-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdbri
- border-bottom-right-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdbri:c
- border-bottom-right-image: continue;
-snippet bdbri:n
- border-bottom-right-image: none;
-snippet bdbrrz
- border-bottom-right-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdbs
- border-bottom-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdbs:n
- border-bottom-style: none;
-snippet bdbw
- border-bottom-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdb
- border-bottom: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdb:n
- border-bottom: none;
-snippet bdbk
- border-break: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdbk:c
- border-break: close;
-snippet bdcl
- border-collapse: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdcl:c
- border-collapse: collapse;
-snippet bdcl:s
- border-collapse: separate;
-snippet bdc
- border-color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet bdci
- border-corner-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdci:c
- border-corner-image: continue;
-snippet bdci:n
- border-corner-image: none;
-snippet bdf
- border-fit: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdf:c
- border-fit: clip;
-snippet bdf:of
- border-fit: overwrite;
-snippet bdf:ow
- border-fit: overwrite;
-snippet bdf:r
- border-fit: repeat;
-snippet bdf:sc
- border-fit: scale;
-snippet bdf:sp
- border-fit: space;
-snippet bdf:st
- border-fit: stretch;
-snippet bdi
- border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${7:stretch};${0}
-snippet bdi:n
- border-image: none;
-snippet bdl+
- border-left: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet bdlc
- border-left-color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet bdli
- border-left-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdli:n
- border-left-image: none;
-snippet bdls
- border-left-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdls:n
- border-left-style: none;
-snippet bdlw
- border-left-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdl
- border-left: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdl:n
- border-left: none;
-snippet bdlt
- border-length: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdlt:a
- border-length: auto;
-snippet bdrz
- border-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdr+
- border-right: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet bdrc
- border-right-color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet bdri
- border-right-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdri:n
- border-right-image: none;
-snippet bdrs
- border-right-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdrs:n
- border-right-style: none;
-snippet bdrw
- border-right-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdr
- border-right: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdr:n
- border-right: none;
-snippet bdsp
- border-spacing: ${1};${0}
-snippet bds
- border-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet bds:ds
- border-style: dashed;
-snippet bds:dtds
- border-style: dot-dash;
-snippet bds:dtdtds
- border-style: dot-dot-dash;
-snippet bds:dt
- border-style: dotted;
-snippet bds:db
- border-style: double;
-snippet bds:g
- border-style: groove;
-snippet bds:h
- border-style: hidden;
-snippet bds:i
- border-style: inset;
-snippet bds:n
- border-style: none;
-snippet bds:o
- border-style: outset;
-snippet bds:r
- border-style: ridge;
-snippet bds:s
- border-style: solid;
-snippet bds:w
- border-style: wave;
-snippet bdt+
- border-top: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet bdtc
- border-top-color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet bdti
- border-top-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdti:n
- border-top-image: none;
-snippet bdtli
- border-top-left-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdtli:c
- border-corner-image: continue;
-snippet bdtli:n
- border-corner-image: none;
-snippet bdtlrz
- border-top-left-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdtri
- border-top-right-image: url(${1});${0}
-snippet bdtri:c
- border-top-right-image: continue;
-snippet bdtri:n
- border-top-right-image: none;
-snippet bdtrrz
- border-top-right-radius: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdts
- border-top-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdts:n
- border-top-style: none;
-snippet bdtw
- border-top-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdt
- border-top: ${1};${0}
-snippet bdt:n
- border-top: none;
-snippet bdw
- border-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet bd
- border: ${1};${0}
-snippet bd:n
- border: none;
-snippet b
- bottom: ${1};${0}
-snippet b:a
- bottom: auto;
-snippet bxsh+
- box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${4:000};${0}
-snippet bxsh
- box-shadow: ${1};${0}
-snippet bxsh:n
- box-shadow: none;
-snippet bxz
- box-sizing: ${1};${0}
-snippet bxz:bb
- box-sizing: border-box;
-snippet bxz:cb
- box-sizing: content-box;
-snippet cps
- caption-side: ${1};${0}
-snippet cps:b
- caption-side: bottom;
-snippet cps:t
- caption-side: top;
-snippet cl
- clear: ${1};${0}
-snippet cl:b
- clear: both;
-snippet cl:l
- clear: left;
-snippet cl:n
- clear: none;
-snippet cl:r
- clear: right;
-snippet cp
- clip: ${1};${0}
-snippet cp:a
- clip: auto;
-snippet cp:r
- clip: rect(${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0});${0}
-snippet c
- color: #${1:000};${0}
-snippet ct
- content: ${1};${0}
-snippet ct:a
- content: attr(${1});${0}
-snippet ct:cq
- content: close-quote;
-snippet ct:c
- content: counter(${1});${0}
-snippet ct:cs
- content: counters(${1});${0}
-snippet ct:ncq
- content: no-close-quote;
-snippet ct:noq
- content: no-open-quote;
-snippet ct:n
- content: normal;
-snippet ct:oq
- content: open-quote;
-snippet coi
- counter-increment: ${1};${0}
-snippet cor
- counter-reset: ${1};${0}
-snippet cur
- cursor: ${1};${0}
-snippet cur:a
- cursor: auto;
-snippet cur:c
- cursor: crosshair;
-snippet cur:d
- cursor: default;
-snippet cur:ha
- cursor: hand;
-snippet cur:he
- cursor: help;
-snippet cur:m
- cursor: move;
-snippet cur:p
- cursor: pointer;
-snippet cur:t
- cursor: text;
-snippet d
- display: ${1};${0}
-snippet d:mib
- display: -moz-inline-box;
-snippet d:mis
- display: -moz-inline-stack;
-snippet d:b
- display: block;
-snippet d:cp
- display: compact;
-snippet d:g
- display: grid;
-snippet d:f
- display: flex;
-snippet d:ib
- display: inline-block;
-snippet d:itb
- display: inline-table;
-snippet d:i
- display: inline;
-snippet d:li
- display: list-item;
-snippet d:n
- display: none;
-snippet d:ri
- display: run-in;
-snippet d:tbcp
- display: table-caption;
-snippet d:tbc
- display: table-cell;
-snippet d:tbclg
- display: table-column-group;
-snippet d:tbcl
- display: table-column;
-snippet d:tbfg
- display: table-footer-group;
-snippet d:tbhg
- display: table-header-group;
-snippet d:tbrg
- display: table-row-group;
-snippet d:tbr
- display: table-row;
-snippet d:tb
- display: table;
-snippet ec
- empty-cells: ${1};${0}
-snippet ec:h
- empty-cells: hide;
-snippet ec:s
- empty-cells: show;
-snippet exp
- expression()
-snippet fx
- flex: ${1:0} ${2:1} ${0:auto};
-snippet fxb
- flex-basis: ${0:auto};
-snippet fxb:a
- flex-basis: auto;
-snippet fxd
- flex-direction: ${0:row};
-snippet fxd:c
- flex-direction: column;
-snippet fxd:cr
- flex-direction: column-reverse;
-snippet fxd:r
- flex-direction: row;
-snippet fxd:rr
- flex-direction: row-reverse;
-snippet fxf
- flex-flow: ${1:row} ${0:nowrap};
-snippet fxg
- flex-grow: ${0:0};
-snippet fxs
- flex-shrink: ${0:1};
-snippet fxw
- flex-wrap: ${0:nowrap};
-snippet fxw:n
- flex-wrap: nowrap;
-snippet fxw:w
- flex-wrap: wrap;
-snippet fxw:wr
- flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
-snippet fl
- float: ${1};${0}
-snippet fl:l
- float: left;
-snippet fl:n
- float: none;
-snippet fl:r
- float: right;
-snippet f+
- font: ${1:1em} ${2:Arial},${3:sans-serif};${0}
-snippet fef
- font-effect: ${1};${0}
-snippet fef:eb
- font-effect: emboss;
-snippet fef:eg
- font-effect: engrave;
-snippet fef:n
- font-effect: none;
-snippet fef:o
- font-effect: outline;
-snippet femp
- font-emphasize-position: ${1};${0}
-snippet femp:a
- font-emphasize-position: after;
-snippet femp:b
- font-emphasize-position: before;
-snippet fems
- font-emphasize-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet fems:ac
- font-emphasize-style: accent;
-snippet fems:c
- font-emphasize-style: circle;
-snippet fems:ds
- font-emphasize-style: disc;
-snippet fems:dt
- font-emphasize-style: dot;
-snippet fems:n
- font-emphasize-style: none;
-snippet fem
- font-emphasize: ${1};${0}
-snippet ff
- font-family: ${1};${0}
-snippet ff:c
- font-family: ${0:'Monotype Corsiva','Comic Sans MS'},cursive;
-snippet ff:f
- font-family: ${0:Capitals,Impact},fantasy;
-snippet ff:m
- font-family: ${0:Monaco,'Courier New'},monospace;
-snippet ff:ss
- font-family: ${0:Helvetica,Arial},sans-serif;
-snippet ff:s
- font-family: ${0:Georgia,'Times New Roman'},serif;
-snippet fza
- font-size-adjust: ${1};${0}
-snippet fza:n
- font-size-adjust: none;
-snippet fz
- font-size: ${1};${0}
-snippet fsm
- font-smooth: ${1};${0}
-snippet fsm:aw
- font-smooth: always;
-snippet fsm:a
- font-smooth: auto;
-snippet fsm:n
- font-smooth: never;
-snippet fst
- font-stretch: ${1};${0}
-snippet fst:c
- font-stretch: condensed;
-snippet fst:e
- font-stretch: expanded;
-snippet fst:ec
- font-stretch: extra-condensed;
-snippet fst:ee
- font-stretch: extra-expanded;
-snippet fst:n
- font-stretch: normal;
-snippet fst:sc
- font-stretch: semi-condensed;
-snippet fst:se
- font-stretch: semi-expanded;
-snippet fst:uc
- font-stretch: ultra-condensed;
-snippet fst:ue
- font-stretch: ultra-expanded;
-snippet fs
- font-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet fs:i
- font-style: italic;
-snippet fs:n
- font-style: normal;
-snippet fs:o
- font-style: oblique;
-snippet fv
- font-variant: ${1};${0}
-snippet fv:n
- font-variant: normal;
-snippet fv:sc
- font-variant: small-caps;
-snippet fw
- font-weight: ${1};${0}
-snippet fw:b
- font-weight: bold;
-snippet fw:br
- font-weight: bolder;
-snippet fw:lr
- font-weight: lighter;
-snippet fw:n
- font-weight: normal;
-snippet f
- font: ${1};${0}
-snippet g
- grid: ${1};
-snippet gaf
- grid-auto-flow: ${1:row};
-snippet gaf+
- grid-auto-flow: ${1:row} ${2:dense};
-snippet gaf:r
- grid-auto-flow: row;
-snippet gaf:c
- grid-auto-flow: column;
-snippet gaf:d
- grid-auto-flow: dense;
-snippet gaf:rd
- grid-auto-flow: row dense;
-snippet gaf:cd
- grid-auto-flow: column dense;
-snippet gar
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-snippet gar:a
- grid-auto-rows: auto
-snippet gar:mac
- grid-auto-rows: max-content;
-snippet gar:mic
- grid-auto-rows: min-content;
-snippet gac
- grid-auto-columns: ${1};
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- grid-auto-columns: auto
-snippet gac:mac
- grid-auto-columns: max-content;
-snippet gac:mic
- grid-auto-columns: min-content;
-snippet gt
- grid-template: ${1};
-snippet gt+
- grid-template: ${1} / ${2};
-snippet gtr
- grid-template-rows: ${1};
-snippet gtc
- grid-template-columns: ${1};
-snippet gta
- grid-template-areas: ${1};
-snippet gg
- grid-gap: ${1};
-snippet gg+
- grid-gap: ${1} ${2};
-snippet gg:0
- grid-gap: 0;
-snippet grg
- grid-row-gap: ${1};
-snippet grg:0
- grid-row-gap: 0;
-snippet gcg
- grid-column-gap: ${1};
-snippet gcg:0
- grid-column-gap: 0;
-snippet gr
- grid-row: ${1} / ${2};
-snippet grs
- grid-row-start: ${1};
-snippet gre
- grid-row-end: ${1};
-snippet gc
- grid-column: ${1} / ${2};
-snippet gcs
- grid-column-start: ${1};
-snippet gce
- grid-column-end: ${1};
-snippet h
- height: ${1};${0}
-snippet h:a
- height: auto;
-snippet jc
- justify-content: ${1};
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- justify-content: start;
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- justify-content: end;
-snippet jc:c
- justify-content: center;
-snippet jc:fs
- justify-content: flex-start;
-snippet jc:fe
- justify-content: flex-end;
-snippet jc:sb
- justify-content: space-between;
-snippet jc:sa
- justify-content: space-around;
-snippet jc:se
- justify-content: space-evenly;
-snippet jc:st
- justify-content: stretch;
-snippet jc:l
- justify-content: left;
-snippet jc:r
- justify-content: right;
-snippet ji
- justify-items: ${1:stretch};
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- justify-items: start;
-snippet ji:e
- justify-items: end;
-snippet ji:c
- justify-items: center;
-snippet ji:st
- justify-items: stretch;
-snippet js
- justify-self: ${1:stretch};
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- justify-self: start;
-snippet js:e
- justify-self: end;
-snippet js:c
- justify-self: center;
-snippet js:st
- justify-self: stretch;
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-snippet l:a
- left: auto;
-snippet lts
- letter-spacing: ${1};${0}
-snippet lh
- line-height: ${1};${0}
-snippet lisi
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-snippet lisi:n
- list-style-image: none;
-snippet lisp
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-snippet lisp:i
- list-style-position: inside;
-snippet lisp:o
- list-style-position: outside;
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- list-style-type: circle;
-snippet list:dclz
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-snippet list:dc
- list-style-type: decimal;
-snippet list:d
- list-style-type: disc;
-snippet list:lr
- list-style-type: lower-roman;
-snippet list:n
- list-style-type: none;
-snippet list:s
- list-style-type: square;
-snippet list:ur
- list-style-type: upper-roman;
-snippet lis
- list-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet lis:n
- list-style: none;
-snippet mb
- margin-bottom: ${1};${0}
-snippet mb:a
- margin-bottom: auto;
-snippet ml
- margin-left: ${1};${0}
-snippet ml:a
- margin-left: auto;
-snippet mr
- margin-right: ${1};${0}
-snippet mr:a
- margin-right: auto;
-snippet mt
- margin-top: ${1};${0}
-snippet mt:a
- margin-top: auto;
-snippet m
- margin: ${1};${0}
-snippet m:4
- margin: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0};${0}
-snippet m:3
- margin: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0};${0}
-snippet m:2
- margin: ${1:0} ${2:0};${0}
-snippet m:0
- margin: 0;
-snippet m:a
- margin: auto;
-snippet mah
- max-height: ${1};${0}
-snippet mah:n
- max-height: none;
-snippet maw
- max-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet maw:n
- max-width: none;
-snippet mih
- min-height: ${1};${0}
-snippet miw
- min-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet op
- opacity: ${1};${0}
-snippet op:ie
- filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${1:100});${0}
-snippet op:ms
- -ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${0:100})';
-snippet orp
- orphans: ${1};${0}
-snippet or
- order: ${0:0};
-snippet o+
- outline: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet oc
- outline-color: ${1:#000};${0}
-snippet oc:i
- outline-color: invert;
-snippet oo
- outline-offset: ${1};${0}
-snippet os
- outline-style: ${1};${0}
-snippet ow
- outline-width: ${1};${0}
-snippet o
- outline: ${1};${0}
-snippet o:n
- outline: none;
-snippet ovs
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-snippet ovs:mq
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-snippet ovs:mv
- overflow-style: move;
-snippet ovs:p
- overflow-style: panner;
-snippet ovs:s
- overflow-style: scrollbar;
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- overflow-x: auto;
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- overflow-x: hidden;
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-snippet ovx:v
- overflow-x: visible;
-snippet ovy
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- overflow-y: auto;
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- overflow-y: hidden;
-snippet ovy:s
- overflow-y: scroll;
-snippet ovy:v
- overflow-y: visible;
-snippet ov
- overflow: ${1};${0}
-snippet ov:a
- overflow: auto;
-snippet ov:h
- overflow: hidden;
-snippet ov:s
- overflow: scroll;
-snippet ov:v
- overflow: visible;
-snippet pb
- padding-bottom: ${1};${0}
-snippet pl
- padding-left: ${1};${0}
-snippet pr
- padding-right: ${1};${0}
-snippet pt
- padding-top: ${1};${0}
-snippet p
- padding: ${1};${0}
-snippet p:4
- padding: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0};${0}
-snippet p:3
- padding: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0};${0}
-snippet p:2
- padding: ${1:0} ${2:0};${0}
-snippet p:0
- padding: 0;
-snippet pc
- place-content: ${1};
-snippet pc+
- place-content: ${1} ${2};
-snippet pc:s
- place-content: start;
-snippet pc:e
- place-content: end;
-snippet pc:c
- place-content: center;
-snippet pc:fs
- place-content: flex-start;
-snippet pc:fe
- place-content: flex-end;
-snippet pc:sb
- place-content: space-between;
-snippet pc:sa
- place-content: space-around;
-snippet pc:se
- place-content: space-evenly;
-snippet pc:st
- place-content: stretch;
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-snippet pgbi:av
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-snippet pi
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- place-items: start;
-snippet pi:e
- place-items: end;
-snippet pi:c
- place-items: center;
-snippet pi:st
- place-items: stretch;
-snippet pos
- position: ${1};${0}
-snippet pos:a
- position: absolute;
-snippet pos:f
- position: fixed;
-snippet pos:r
- position: relative;
-snippet pos:s
- position: static;
-snippet ps
- place-self: ${1:stretch};
-snippet ps+
- place-self: ${1:stretch} ${2:stretch};
-snippet ps:s
- place-self: start;
-snippet ps:e
- place-self: end;
-snippet ps:c
- place-self: center;
-snippet ps:st
- place-self: stretch;
-snippet q
- quotes: ${1};${0}
-snippet q:en
- quotes: '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';
-snippet q:n
- quotes: none;
-snippet q:ru
- quotes: '\00AB' '\00BB' '\201E' '\201C';
-snippet rz
- resize: ${1};${0}
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- resize: both;
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- resize: horizontal;
-snippet rz:n
- resize: none;
-snippet rz:v
- resize: vertical;
-snippet r
- right: ${1};${0}
-snippet r:a
- right: auto;
-snippet tbl
- table-layout: ${1};${0}
-snippet tbl:a
- table-layout: auto;
-snippet tbl:f
- table-layout: fixed;
-snippet tal
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-snippet tal:a
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-snippet tal:c
- text-align-last: center;
-snippet tal:l
- text-align-last: left;
-snippet tal:r
- text-align-last: right;
-snippet ta
- text-align: ${1};${0}
-snippet ta:c
- text-align: center;
-snippet ta:l
- text-align: left;
-snippet ta:r
- text-align: right;
-snippet td
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-snippet td:l
- text-decoration: line-through;
-snippet td:n
- text-decoration: none;
-snippet td:o
- text-decoration: overline;
-snippet td:u
- text-decoration: underline;
-snippet te
- text-emphasis: ${1};${0}
-snippet te:ac
- text-emphasis: accent;
-snippet te:a
- text-emphasis: after;
-snippet te:b
- text-emphasis: before;
-snippet te:c
- text-emphasis: circle;
-snippet te:ds
- text-emphasis: disc;
-snippet te:dt
- text-emphasis: dot;
-snippet te:n
- text-emphasis: none;
-snippet th
- text-height: ${1};${0}
-snippet th:a
- text-height: auto;
-snippet th:f
- text-height: font-size;
-snippet th:m
- text-height: max-size;
-snippet th:t
- text-height: text-size;
-snippet ti
- text-indent: ${1};${0}
-snippet ti:-
- text-indent: -9999px;
-snippet tj
- text-justify: ${1};${0}
-snippet tj:a
- text-justify: auto;
-snippet tj:d
- text-justify: distribute;
-snippet tj:ic
- text-justify: inter-cluster;
-snippet tj:ii
- text-justify: inter-ideograph;
-snippet tj:iw
- text-justify: inter-word;
-snippet tj:k
- text-justify: kashida;
-snippet tj:t
- text-justify: tibetan;
-snippet to+
- text-outline: ${1:0} ${2:0} #${3:000};${0}
-snippet to
- text-outline: ${1};${0}
-snippet to:n
- text-outline: none;
-snippet tr
- text-replace: ${1};${0}
-snippet tr:n
- text-replace: none;
-snippet tsh+
- text-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${4:000};${0}
-snippet tsh
- text-shadow: ${1};${0}
-snippet tsh:n
- text-shadow: none;
-snippet tt
- text-transform: ${1};${0}
-snippet tt:c
- text-transform: capitalize;
-snippet tt:l
- text-transform: lowercase;
-snippet tt:n
- text-transform: none;
-snippet tt:u
- text-transform: uppercase;
-snippet tw
- text-wrap: ${1};${0}
-snippet tw:no
- text-wrap: none;
-snippet tw:n
- text-wrap: normal;
-snippet tw:s
- text-wrap: suppress;
-snippet tw:u
- text-wrap: unrestricted;
-snippet t
- top: ${1};${0}
-snippet t:a
- top: auto;
-snippet va
- vertical-align: ${1};${0}
-snippet va:bl
- vertical-align: baseline;
-snippet va:b
- vertical-align: bottom;
-snippet va:m
- vertical-align: middle;
-snippet va:sub
- vertical-align: sub;
-snippet va:sup
- vertical-align: super;
-snippet va:tb
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
-snippet va:tt
- vertical-align: text-top;
-snippet va:t
- vertical-align: top;
-snippet v
- visibility: ${1};${0}
-snippet v:c
- visibility: collapse;
-snippet v:h
- visibility: hidden;
-snippet v:v
- visibility: visible;
-snippet whsc
- white-space-collapse: ${1};${0}
-snippet whsc:ba
- white-space-collapse: break-all;
-snippet whsc:bs
- white-space-collapse: break-strict;
-snippet whsc:k
- white-space-collapse: keep-all;
-snippet whsc:l
- white-space-collapse: loose;
-snippet whsc:n
- white-space-collapse: normal;
-snippet whs
- white-space: ${1};${0}
-snippet whs:n
- white-space: normal;
-snippet whs:nw
- white-space: nowrap;
-snippet whs:pl
- white-space: pre-line;
-snippet whs:pw
- white-space: pre-wrap;
-snippet whs:p
- white-space: pre;
-snippet wid
- widows: ${1};${0}
-snippet w
- width: ${1};${0}
-snippet w:a
- width: auto;
-snippet wob
- word-break: ${1};${0}
-snippet wob:ba
- word-break: break-all;
-snippet wob:bs
- word-break: break-strict;
-snippet wob:k
- word-break: keep-all;
-snippet wob:l
- word-break: loose;
-snippet wob:n
- word-break: normal;
-snippet wos
- word-spacing: ${1};${0}
-snippet wow
- word-wrap: ${1};${0}
-snippet wow:no
- word-wrap: none;
-snippet wow:n
- word-wrap: normal;
-snippet wow:s
- word-wrap: suppress;
-snippet wow:u
- word-wrap: unrestricted;
-snippet z
- z-index: ${1};${0}
-snippet z:a
- z-index: auto;
-snippet zoo
- zoom: 1;
-snippet :h
- :hover
-snippet :fc
- :first-child
-snippet :lc
- :last-child
-snippet :nc
- :nth-child(${0})
-snippet :nlc
- :nth-last-child(${0})
-snippet :oc
- :only-child
-snippet :a
- :after
-snippet :b
- :before
-snippet ::a
- ::after
-snippet ::b
- ::before
-snippet var
- var(${0:${VISUAL}});
-snippet vard
- var(${0}, ${1:${VISUAL});
-snippet host
- :host {
- ${1:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet host(
- :host(${1}) {
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet part {
- ::part(${1})
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# dracula theme
-snippet background dracula theme background
- #282a36
-snippet current_line dracula theme current line
- #44475a
-snippet foreground dracula theme foreground
- #f8f8f2
-snippet comment dracula theme comment
- #6272a4
-snippet cyan dracula theme cyan
- #8be9fd
-snippet green dracula theme green
- #50fa7b
-snippet orange dracula theme orange
- #ffb86c
-snippet pink dracula theme pink
- #ff79c6
-snippet purple dracula theme purple
- #bd93f9
-snippet red dracula theme red
- #ff5555
-snippet yellow dracula theme yellow
- #f1fa8c
diff --git a/snippets/cuda.snippets b/snippets/cuda.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc1921..0000000
--- a/snippets/cuda.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-extends cpp
-snippet kern "Kernel definition"
- __global__ void ${1:kernel}(${2:void}) {
- ${0:// TODO: Implement}
- }
-snippet dev "Device function definition"
- __device__ ${1:int} ${2:foo}(${3:void}) {
- ${0:// TODO: Implement}
- return 0;
- }
-snippet call "Kernel call"
- ${1:kernel}<<<${2:args}>>>(${3});${0}
-snippet sync "Synchonize threads"
- __syncthreads();
-snippet tid "Thread Index"
- threadIdx.${0}
-snippet bid "Block Index"
- blockIdx.${0}
-snippet bdim "Block Dimension"
- blockDim.${0}
-snippet ii "Get current index (1D)"
- int ${1:index} = threadIdx.${2:x} + blockIdx.$2 * blockDim.$2;
-snippet ix "Get current X index (1D)"
- int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
-snippet iy "Get current Y index (1D)"
- int ${1:y} = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-snippet iz "Get current Z index (1D)"
- int ${1:z} = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-snippet ixy "Get current X,Y index (2D)"
- int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
- int ${2:y} = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
-snippet ixz "Get current X,Z index (2D)"
- int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
- int ${3:z} = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-snippet iyz "Get current Y,Z index (2D)"
- int ${2:y} = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
- int ${3:z} = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-snippet ixyz "Get current X,Y,Z index (3D)"
- int ${1:x} = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
- int ${2:y} = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
- int ${3:z} = threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
-snippet share "Shared memory declaration"
- __shared__ ${1:int} ${2:memo}[${3:SIZE}];${0}
diff --git a/snippets/html.snippets b/snippets/html.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 43f0440..0000000
--- a/snippets/html.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
-# Some useful Unicode entities
-# Non-Breaking Space
-snippet nbs
- &nbsp;
-# ←
-snippet left
- &#x2190;
-# →
-snippet right
- &#x2192;
-# ↑
-snippet up
- &#x2191;
-# ↓
-snippet down
- &#x2193;
-# ↩
-snippet return
- &#x21A9;
-# ⇤
-snippet backtab
- &#x21E4;
-# ⇥
-snippet tab
- &#x21E5;
-# ⇧
-snippet shift
- &#x21E7;
-# ⌃
-snippet ctrl
- &#x2303;
-# ⌅
-snippet enter
- &#x2305;
-# ⌘
-snippet cmd
- &#x2318;
-# ⌥
-snippet option
- &#x2325;
-# ⌦
-snippet delete
- &#x2326;
-# ⌫
-snippet backspace
- &#x232B;
-# ⎋
-snippet esc
- &#x238B;
-# comment
-snippet //
- <!-- ${1} -->${0}
-# HTML Doctype 4.01 Strict
-snippet docts
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-# HTML Doctype 4.01 Transitional
-snippet doct
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
-# HTML Doctype 5
-snippet doct5
-# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Frameset
-snippet docxf
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
-# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Strict
-snippet docxs
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Transitional
-snippet docxt
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-# XHTML Doctype 1.1
-snippet docx
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
-# Attributes
-snippet attr
- ${1:attribute}="${0:property}"
-snippet attr+
- ${1:attribute}="${2:property}" attr+
-snippet .
- class="${1}"
-snippet #
- id="${1}"
-snippet alt
- alt="${1}"
-snippet charset
- charset="${1:utf-8}"
-snippet data
- data-${1}="${2:$1}"
-snippet for
- for="${1}"
-snippet height
- height="${1}"
-snippet href
- href="${1:#}"
-snippet lang
- lang="${1:en}"
-snippet media
- media="${1}"
-snippet name
- name="${1}"
-snippet rel
- rel="${1}"
-snippet scope
- scope="${1:row}"
-snippet src
- src="${1}"
-snippet title=
- title="${1}"
-snippet type
- type="${1}"
-snippet value
- value="${1}"
-snippet width
- width="${1}"
-# Elements
-snippet a
- <a href="${1:#}">${0:$1}</a>
-snippet a.
- <a class="${1}" href="${2:#}">${0:$1}</a>
-snippet a#
- <a id="${1}" href="${2:#}">${0:$1}</a>
-snippet a:ext
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-# Embed QT Movie
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diff --git a/snippets/java.snippets b/snippets/java.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e6968..0000000
--- a/snippets/java.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-## Access Modifiers
-snippet po
- protected ${0}
-snippet pu
- public ${0}
-snippet pr
- private ${0}
-## Annotations
-snippet before
- @Before
- static void ${1:intercept}(${2:args}) { ${0} }
-snippet mm
- @ManyToMany
- ${0}
-snippet mo
- @ManyToOne
- ${0}
-snippet om
- @OneToMany${1:(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)}
- ${0}
-snippet oo
- @OneToOne
- ${1}
-## Basic Java packages and import
-snippet im
- import ${0}
-snippet j.b
- java.beans.
-snippet j.i
- java.io.
-snippet j.m
- java.math.
-snippet j.n
- java.net.
-snippet j.u
- java.util.
-## Class
-snippet cl
- class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${0}
-snippet pcl
- public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${0}
-snippet in
- interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${2:extends Parent}
-snippet tc
- public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`} extends ${0:TestCase}
-## Class Enhancements
-snippet ext
- extends ${0}
-snippet imp
- implements ${0}
-## Comments
-snippet /*
- /*
- * ${0}
- */
-## Constants
-snippet co
- static public final ${1:String} ${2:var} = ${3};
-snippet cos
- static public final String ${1:var} = "${2}";
-## Control Statements
-snippet case
- case ${1}:
- ${0}
-snippet def
- default:
- ${0}
-snippet el
- else
-snippet eif
- else if (${1}) ${0}
-snippet if
- if (${1}) ${0}
-snippet sw
- switch (${1}) {
- ${0}
- }
-## Create a Method
-snippet m
- ${1:void} ${2:method}(${3}) ${4:throws }
-## Create a Variable
-snippet v
- ${1:String} ${2:var}${3: = null}${4};
-## Declaration for ArrayList
-snippet d.al
- List<${1:Object}> ${2:list} = new ArrayList<$1>();${0}
-## Declaration for HashMap
-snippet d.hm
- Map<${1:Object}, ${2:Object}> ${3:map} = new HashMap<$1, $2>();${0}
-## Declaration for HashSet
-snippet d.hs
- Set<${1:Object}> ${2:set} = new HashSet<$1>();${0}
-## Declaration for Stack
-snippet d.st
- Stack<${1:Object}> ${2:stack} = new Stack<$1>();${0}
-## Singleton Pattern
-snippet singlet
- private static class Holder {
- private static final ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`} INSTANCE = new $1();
- }
- private $1() { }
- public static $1 getInstance() {
- return Holder.INSTANCE;
- }
-## Enhancements to Methods, variables, classes, etc.
-snippet ab
- abstract ${0}
-snippet fi
- final ${0}
-snippet st
- static ${0}
-snippet sy
- synchronized ${0}
-## Error Methods
-snippet err
- System.err.print("${0:Message}");
-snippet errf
- System.err.printf("${1:Message}", ${0:exception});
-snippet errln
- System.err.println("${0:Message}");
-## Exception Handling
-snippet as
- assert ${1:test} : "${2:Failure message}";
-snippet ae
- assertEquals("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
-snippet aae
- assertArrayEquals("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expecteds}, ${3:actuals});
-snippet af
- assertFalse("${1:Failure message}", $2);
-snippet at
- assertTrue("${1:Failure message}", $2);
-snippet an
- assertNull("${1:Failure message}", ${2:object});
-snippet ann
- assertNotNull("${1:Failure message}", ${2:object});
-snippet ass
- assertSame("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
-snippet asns
- assertNotSame("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
-snippet fa
- fail("${1:Failure message}");
-snippet ca
- catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) ${0}
-snippet thr
- throw ${0}
-snippet ths
- throws ${0}
-snippet try
- try {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
- }
-snippet tryf
- try {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
- } finally {
- }
-## Find Methods
-snippet findall
- List<${1:listName}> ${2:items} = $1.findAll();
-snippet findbyid
- ${1:var} ${2:item} = $1.findById(${3});
-## Javadocs
-snippet /**
- /**
- * ${0}
- */
-snippet @au
- @author `system("grep \`id -un\` /etc/passwd | cut -d \":\" -f5 | cut -d \",\" -f1")`
-snippet @br
- @brief ${0:Description}
-snippet @fi
- @file ${0:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`}.java
-snippet @pa
- @param ${0:param}
-snippet @re
- @return ${0:param}
-## Logger Methods
-snippet debug
- Logger.debug(${1:param});
-snippet error
- Logger.error(${1:param});
-snippet info
- Logger.info(${1:param});
-snippet warn
- Logger.warn(${1:param});
-## Loops
-snippet enfor
- for (${1} : ${2}) ${0}
-snippet for
- for (${1}; ${2}; ${3}) ${0}
-snippet wh
- while (${1:true}) ${0}
-snippet wht
- while (true) ${0}
-## Main method
-snippet psvm
- public static void main (String[] args) {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet main
- public static void main (String[] args) {
- ${0}
- }
-## Print Methods
-snippet sout
- System.out.println(${0});
-snippet serr
- System.err.println(${0});
-snippet print
- System.out.print("${0:Message}");
-snippet printf
- System.out.printf("${1:Message}", ${0:args});
-snippet println
- System.out.println(${0});
-snippet printlna
- System.out.println(Arrays.toString(${0}));
-## Render Methods
-snippet ren
- render(${1:param});
-snippet rena
- renderArgs.put("${1}", ${2});
-snippet renb
- renderBinary(${1:param});
-snippet renj
- renderJSON(${1:param});
-snippet renx
- renderXml(${1:param});
-## Setter and Getter Methods
-snippet set
- ${1:public} void set${3:}(${2:String} ${0:}){
- this.$4 = $4;
- }
-snippet get
- ${1:public} ${2:String} get${3:}(){
- return this.${0:};
- }
-## Terminate Methods or Loops
-snippet re
- return ${0}
-snippet br
- break;
-## Test Methods
-snippet t
- public void test${1:Name}() throws Exception {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet test
- @Test
- public void test${1:Name}() throws Exception {
- ${0}
- }
-## Utils
-snippet Sc
- Scanner
-## Miscellaneous
-snippet action
- public static void ${1:index}(${2:args}) { ${0} }
-snippet rnf
- notFound(${1:param});
-snippet rnfin
- notFoundIfNull(${1:param});
-snippet rr
- redirect(${1:param});
-snippet ru
- unauthorized(${1:param});
-snippet unless
- (unless=${1:param});
diff --git a/snippets/kotlin.snippets b/snippets/kotlin.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 54ba5e4..0000000
--- a/snippets/kotlin.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-snippet fun
- fun ${1:name}(${2}): ${3:String} {
- ${4}
- }
-snippet pfun
- private fun ${1:name}(${2}): ${3:String} {
- ${4}
- }
-snippet main
- @JvmStatic
- fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- ${0}
- }
-snippet ret
- return ${0}
-snippet whe
- when (${1:${VISUAL}}) {
- ${2} -> ${3}
- }
-snippet cla
- class ${1} {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet cobj
- companion object {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet obj
- object ${1} {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet if
- if (${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet ife
- if (${1}) {
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- } else {
- ${0}
- }
diff --git a/snippets/make.snippets b/snippets/make.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f3cab2..0000000
--- a/snippets/make.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# (need rework)
-snippet base
- PREFIX ?= /usr/local
- CC ?= cc
- CFLAGS += -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -O2 -g -W
- SRC = ${1:src}.c
- OBJ = \${SRC:.c=.o}
- all: $1
- .c.o:
- \${CC} -c \${CFLAGS} \$<
- $1: \${OBJ}
- \${CC} -o \$@ \${OBJ} \${LDLFLAGS}
- clean:
- rm -f *.o
- distclean: clean
- rm -f $1
- install: all
- mkdir -p \${DESTDIR}\${PREFIX}/bin
- cp -f $1 \${DESTDIR}\${PREFIX}/bin
- chmod 755 \${DESTDIR}\${PREFIX}/bin/$1
- uninstall:
- rm -f \${DESTDIR}\${PREFIX}/bin/$1
- .PHONY: all debug clean distclean install uninstall
-snippet add
- ${1:out}: $1.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $+
-snippet print
- print-%: ; @echo $*=$($*)
-snippet if
- ifeq (${1:cond0}, ${2:cond1})
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- endif
-snippet ife
- ifeq (${1:cond0}, ${2:cond1})
- ${3:${VISUAL}}
- else
- ${0}
- endif
-snippet el
- else
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet default
- .DEFAULT_GOAL := ${1}
-snippet help
- help: ## Prints help for targets with comments
- @cat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $\$1, $\$2}'
- ${0}
diff --git a/snippets/markdown.snippets b/snippets/markdown.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ccecd..0000000
--- a/snippets/markdown.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Markdown
-# Includes octopress (http://octopress.org/) snippets
-# The suffix `c` stands for "Clipboard".
-snippet [
- [${1:text}](https://${2:address})
-snippet [*
- [${1:link}](${2:`@*`})
-snippet [c
- [${1:link}](${2:`@+`})
-snippet ["
- [${1:text}](https://${2:address} "${3:title}")
-snippet ["*
- [${1:link}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")
-snippet ["c
- [${1:link}](${2:`@+`} "${3:title}")
-snippet [:
- [${1:id}]: https://${2:url}
-snippet [:*
- [${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`}
-snippet [:c
- [${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`}
-snippet [:"
- [${1:id}]: https://${2:url} "${3:title}"
-snippet [:"*
- [${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"
-snippet [:"c
- [${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`} "${3:title}"
-snippet ![
- ![${1:alttext}](${2:/images/image.jpg})
-snippet ![*
- ![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`})
-snippet ![c
- ![${1:alt}](${2:`@+`})
-snippet !["
- ![${1:alttext}](${2:/images/image.jpg} "${3:title}")
-snippet !["*
- ![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")
-snippet !["c
- ![${1:alt}](${2:`@+`} "${3:title}")
-snippet ![:
- ![${1:id}]: ${2:url}
-snippet ![:*
- ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`}
-snippet ![:"
- ![${1:id}]: ${2:url} "${3:title}"
-snippet ![:"*
- ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"
-snippet ![:"c
- ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`} "${3:title}"
-snippet <
- <http://${1:url}>
-snippet <*
- <`@*`>
-snippet <c
- <`@+`>
-snippet ** Bold
- **$0**
-snippet __ Bold
- __$0__
-snippet --- Front matter
- ---
- $0
- ---
-snippet ====
- `repeat('=', strlen(getline(line('.') - 3)))`
- ${0}
-snippet -
- - ${0}
-snippet ----
- `repeat('-', strlen(getline(line('.') - 3)))`
- ${0}
-snippet blockquote
- {% blockquote %}
- ${0:quote}
- {% endblockquote %}
-snippet blockquote-author
- {% blockquote ${1:author}, ${2:title} %}
- ${0:quote}
- {% endblockquote %}
-snippet blockquote-link
- {% blockquote ${1:author} ${2:URL} ${3:link_text} %}
- ${0:quote}
- {% endblockquote %}
-snippet ```
- \`\`\`${1}
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- \`\`\`
-# Language.
-snippet ```l
- \`\`\`${1:language}
- ${2:code}
- \`\`\`
-snippet codeblock-short
- {% codeblock %}
- ${0:code_snippet}
- {% endcodeblock %}
-snippet codeblock-full
- {% codeblock ${1:title} lang:${2:language} ${3:URL} ${4:link_text} %}
- ${0:code_snippet}
- {% endcodeblock %}
-snippet gist-full
- {% gist ${1:gist_id} ${0:filename} %}
-snippet gist-short
- {% gist ${0:gist_id} %}
-snippet img
- {% img ${1:class} ${2:URL} ${3:width} ${4:height} ${5:title_text} ${0:alt_text} %}
-snippet youtube
- {% youtube ${0:video_id} %}
-snippet tb
- | ${0:factors} | ${1:a} | ${2:b} |
- | ------------- |------------- | ------- |
- | ${3:f1} | Y | N |
- | ${4:f2} | Y | N |
-# The quote should appear only once in the text. It is inherently part of it.
-# See http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/pullquote/ for more info.
-snippet pullquote
- {% pullquote %}
- ${1:text} {" ${2:quote} "} ${0:text}
- {% endpullquote %}
-# Definition lists
-snippet : Definition list
- $1
- : $0
-snippet :: Alternate definition list
- $1
- - $0
diff --git a/snippets/php.snippets b/snippets/php.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b0bae1b..0000000
--- a/snippets/php.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
-snippet <?
- <?php
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet dst "declare(strict_types=1)"
- declare(strict_types=${1:1});
-snippet ec
- echo ${0};
-snippet <?e
- <?php echo ${0} ?>
-# this one is for php5.4
-snippet <?=
- <?=${0}?>
-snippet ?=
- <?= ${0} ?>
-snippet ?
- <?php ${0} ?>
-snippet ?f
- <?php foreach ($${1:vars} as $${2:$var}): ?>
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- <?php endforeach ?>
-snippet ?i
- <?php if ($${1:var}): ?>
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- <?php endif ?>
-snippet ns
- namespace ${1:Foo\Bar\Baz};
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet c
- class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet i
- interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet t.
- \$this->
-snippet f
- function ${1}(${3})
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# method
-snippet m
- ${1:protected} function ${2:foo}()
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet sm "PHP Class Setter"
- /**
- * Sets the value of ${1:foo}
- *
- * @param ${2:string} $$1 ${3:description}
- *
- * @return ${4:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- */
- ${5:public} function set${6:$1}(${7:$2 }$$1)
- {
- $this->${8:$1} = $$1;
- return $this;
- }
-snippet gm "PHP Class Getter Setter"
- /**
- * Gets the value of ${1:foo}
- *
- * @return ${2:string}
- */
- ${3:public} function get${4:$1}()
- {
- return $this->${5:$1};
- }
-snippet $s
- ${1:$foo}->set${2:Bar}(${0});
-snippet $g
- ${1:$foo}->get${0:Bar}();
-# Tertiary conditional
-snippet =?:
- $${1:foo} = ${2:true} ? ${3:a} : ${0};
-snippet ?:
- ${1:true} ? ${2:a} : ${0}
-snippet t "$retVal = (condition) ? a : b"
- $${1:retVal} = ($2) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b};
-# Predefined variables
-snippet C
- $_COOKIE['${1:variable}']
-snippet E
- $_ENV['${1:variable}']
-snippet F
- $_FILES['${1:variable}']
-snippet G "_GET array"
- $_GET['${1:variable}']
-snippet P "_POST array"
- $_POST['${1:variable}']
-snippet R
- $_REQUEST['${1:variable}']
-snippet S
- $_SERVER['${1:variable}']
-snippet SS
- $_SESSION['${1:variable}']
-snippet get "get"
- $_GET['${1}']
-snippet post "post"
- $_POST['${1}']
-snippet session "session"
- $_SESSION['${1}']
-# the following are old ones
-snippet inc
- include '${1:file}';
-snippet inc1
- include_once '${1:file}';
-snippet req
- require '${1:file}';
-snippet req1
- require_once '${1:file}';
-# Start Docblock
-snippet /*
- /**
- * ${0}
- */
-# Class - post doc
-snippet doc_cp
- /**
- * ${1:undocumented class}
- *
- * @package ${2:default}
- * @subpackage ${3:default}
- * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
- */
-# Class Variable - post doc
-snippet doc_vp
- /**
- * ${1:undocumented class variable}
- *
- * @var ${2:string}
- */
-# Class Variable
-snippet doc_v
- /**
- * ${3:undocumented class variable}
- *
- * @var ${4:string}
- */
- ${1:var} $${2};
-# Class attribute with short comment
-snippet att
- /** @var ${3:string} */
- ${1:public} $${2};
-# Class
-snippet doc_c
- /**
- * ${3:undocumented class}
- *
- * @package ${4:default}
- * @subpackage ${5:default}
- * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
- */
- ${1:}class ${2:}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } // END $1class $2
-# Constant Definition - post doc
-snippet doc_dp
- /**
- * ${1:undocumented constant}
- */
-# Constant Definition
-snippet doc_d
- /**
- * ${3:undocumented constant}
- */
- define(${1}, ${2});
-# Function - post doc
-snippet doc_fp
- /**
- * ${1:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${2:void}
- * @author ${3:`g:snips_author`}
- */
-# Function signature
-snippet doc_s
- /**
- * ${4:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${5:void}
- * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
- */
- ${1}function ${2}(${3});
-# Function
-snippet doc_f
- /**
- * ${4:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${5:void}
- * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
- */
- ${1}function ${2}(${3})
- {${0}
- }
-# Header
-snippet doc_h
- /**
- * ${1}
- *
- * @author ${2:`g:snips_author`}
- * @version ${3:$Id$}
- * @copyright ${4:$2}, `strftime('%d %B, %Y')`
- * @package ${0:default}
- */
-snippet doc_i "interface someClass {}"
- /**
- * $1
- * @package ${2:default}
- * @author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
- **/
- interface ${1:someClass}
- {${4}
- }
-snippet inheritdoc "@inheritdoc docblock"
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
-# Interface
-snippet interface
- /**
- * ${2:undocumented class}
- *
- * @package ${3:default}
- * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
- */
- interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# Trait
-snippet trait
- /**
- * ${2:undocumented class}
- *
- * @package ${3:default}
- * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
- */
- trait ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# class ...
-snippet class
- /**
- * ${1}
- */
- class ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${3}
- /**
- * ${4}
- */
- ${5:public} function ${6:__construct}(${7:argument})
- {
- ${0}
- }
- }
-snippet nc
- namespace ${1:`substitute(substitute(expand("%:h"), '\v^\w+\/(\u)', '\1', ''), '\/', '\\\', 'g')`};
- ${2:abstract }class ${3:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# define(...)
-snippet def "define('VARIABLE_NAME', 'definition')"
- define('${1:VARIABLE_NAME}', ${2:'definition'});
-# defined(...)
-snippet def?
- ${1}defined('${2}')
-snippet wh "while (condition) { ... }"
- while ($1) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet do "do { ... } while (condition)"
- do {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } while (${1});
-snippet if "if (condition) { ... }"
- if (${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet ifn "if (!condition) { ... }"
- if (!${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet ifil "<?php if (condition): ?> ... <?php endif; ?>"
- <?php if (${1}): ?>
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- <?php endif; ?>
-snippet ife "if (cond) { ... } else { ... }"
- if (${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } else {
- ${2}
- }
-snippet ifeil "<?php if (condition): ?> ... <?php else: ?> ... <?php endif; ?>"
- <?php if (${1}): ?>
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- <?php else: ?>
- ${2}
- <?php endif; ?>
-snippet el "else { ... }"
- else {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet eif "elseif(condition) { ... }"
- elseif (${1}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet switch "switch($var) { case 'xyz': ... default: .... }"
- switch ($${1:variable}) {
- case '${2:value}':
- ${3}
- break;
- ${0}
- default:
- ${4}
- break;
- }
-snippet case "case 'value': ... break"
- case '${1:value}':
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- break;
-snippet for "for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { ... }"
- for ($${2:i} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet foreach "foreach ($var as $value) { .. }"
- foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet foreachil "<?php foreach ($var as $value): ?> ... <?php endforeach; ?>"
- <?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}): ?>
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- <?php endforeach; ?>
-snippet foreachk "foreach ($var as $key => $value) { .. }"
- foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet foreachkil "<?php foreach ($var as $key => $value): ?> ... <?php endforeach; ?>"
- <?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}): ?>
- ${0:<!-- html... -->}
- <?php endforeach; ?>
-snippet array "$... = ['' => ]"
- $${1:arrayName} = ['${2}' => ${3}];
-snippet try "try { ... } catch (Exception $e) { ... }"
- try {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- } catch (${1:Exception} $e) {
- }
-# lambda with closure
-snippet lambda
- ${1:static }function (${2:args}) use (${3:&$x, $y /*put vars in scope (closure) */}) {
- ${0}
- };
-# pre_dump();
-snippet pd
- echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${0}); echo '</pre>';
-# pre_dump(); die();
-snippet pdd
- echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${1}); echo '</pre>'; die(${0:});
-snippet vd
- var_dump(${0});
-snippet vdd
- var_dump(${1}); die(${0:});
-snippet pr
- print_r(${0});
-snippet prs
- print_r(${0}, 1);
-snippet vdf
- error_log(print_r($${1:foo}, true), 3, '${2:/tmp/debug.log}');
-snippet http_redirect
- header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
- header ("Location: ".URL);
- exit();
-snippet log "error_log(var_export($var, true));"
- error_log(var_export(${1}, true));
-snippet var "var_export($var)"
- var_export(${1});
-snippet ve "Dumb debug helper in HTML"
- echo '<pre>' . var_export(${1}, 1) . '</pre>';
-snippet pc "Dumb debug helper in cli"
- var_export($1);$0
-# Getters & Setters
-snippet gs "PHP Class Getter Setter"
- /**
- * Gets the value of ${1:foo}
- *
- * @return ${2:string}
- */
- public function get${3:$1}()
- {
- return $this->${4:$1};
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value of $1
- *
- * @param $2 $$1 ${5:description}
- *
- * @return ${6:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
- */
- public function set$3(${7:$2 }$$1)
- {
- $this->$4 = $$1;
- return $this;
- }
-# anotation, get, and set, useful for doctrine
-snippet ags
- /**
- * ${1:description}
- *
- * @${0}
- */
- ${2:protected} $${3:foo};
- public function get${4:$3}()
- {
- return $this->$3;
- }
- public function set$4(${5:$4 }$${6:$3})
- {
- $this->$3 = $$6;
- return $this;
- }
-snippet rett
- return true;
-snippet retf
- return false;
-snippet am
- $${1:foo} = array_map(function($${2:v}) {
- ${0}
- return $$2;
- }, $$1);
-snippet aw
- array_walk($${1:foo}, function(&$${2:v}, $${3:k}) {
- $$2 = ${0};
- });
-# static var assign once
-snippet static_var
- static $${1} = null;
- if (is_null($$1)){
- $$1 = ${2};
- }
-snippet CSVWriter
- <?php
- class CSVWriter {
- public function __construct($file_or_handle, $sep = "\t", $quot = '"'){
- $args = func_get_args();
- $mode = isset($opts['mode']) ? $opts['mode'] : 'w';
- $this->f =
- is_string($file_or_handle)
- ? fopen($file_or_handle, $mode)
- : $file_or_handle;
- $this->fputcsv_args = [$this->f, null, $sep, $quot];
- if (!$this->f) throw new Exception('bad file descriptor');
- }
- public function write($row){
- $this->fputcsv_args[1] =& $row;
- call_user_func_array('fputcsv', $this->fputcsv_args);
- }
- public function close(){
- if (!is_null($this->f))
- fclose($this->f);
- $this->f = null;
- }
- public function __destruct(){
- $this->close();
- }
- }
-snippet CSVIterator
- // http://snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=1986 // modified
- class CSVIterator implements Iterator
- {
- private $f;
- private $curr;
- private $rowCounter;
- /* opts keys:
- * row_size
- * escape
- * enclosure
- * delimiter
- */
- public function __construct( $file_or_handle, $opts = [4096, ','] )
- {
- $d = function($n) use(&$opts){ return isset($opts[$n]) ? $opts[$n] : false; };
- $this->combine = $d('combine');
- $this->headers = $d('headers');
- $this->headerCheckFunction = $d('header_check_function');
- $this->f =
- is_string($file_or_handle)
- ? fopen( $file_or_handle, 'r' )
- : $file_or_handle;
- if (!$this->f) throw new Exception('bad file descriptor');
- $this->fgetcsv_args = [
- $this->f,
- isset($opts['row_size']) ? $opts['row_size'] : 4096,
- isset($opts['delimiter']) ? $opts['delimiter'] : ',',
- isset($opts['enclosure']) ? $opts['enclosure'] : '"',
- isset($opts['escape']) ? $opts['escape'] : '\\',
- ];
- $this->start();
- }
- protected function readRow(){
- $this->curr = call_user_func_array('fgetcsv', $this->fgetcsv_args );
- $this->rowCounter++;
- if ($this->rowCounter == 1){
- $this->processHeader();
- } elseif ($this->curr) {
- $this->processRow();
- }
- }
- public function processHeader(){
- if ($this->headers || $this->combine){
- $this->header = $this->curr;
- if ($this->headerCheckFunction){
- $f = $this->headerCheckFunction;
- $f($this->header);
- }
- $this->readRow();
- }
- }
- public function processRow(){
- if ($this->combine)
- $this->curr = array_combine($this->header, $this->curr);
- }
- public function start(){
- $this->rowCounter = 0;
- rewind( $this->f );
- $this->readRow();
- }
- public function rewind()
- {
- $this->start();
- }
- public function current()
- {
- $curr = $this->curr;
- $this->readRow();
- return $curr;
- }
- public function key()
- {
- return $this->rowCounter;
- }
- public function next()
- {
- return $this->curr;
- }
- public function valid(){
- if( !$this->next() )
- {
- fclose( $this->f );
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- } // end class
-# phpunit
-snippet ase "$this->assertEquals($a, $b)"
- $this->assertEquals(${1:$expected}, ${2:$actual});
-snippet asne "$this->assertNotEquals($a, $b)"
- $this->assertNotEquals(${1:$expected}, ${2:$actual});
-snippet asf "$this->assertFalse($a)"
- $this->assertFalse(${1});
-snippet ast "$this->assertTrue($a)"
- $this->assertTrue(${1});
-snippet asfex "$this->assertFileExists('path/to/file')"
- $this->assertFileExists(${1:'path/to/file'});
-snippet asfnex "$this->assertFileNotExists('path/to/file')"
- $this->assertFileNotExists(${1:'path/to/file'});
-snippet ascon "$this->assertContains($needle, $haystack)"
- $this->assertContains(${1:$needle}, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet asncon "$this->assertNotContains($needle, $haystack)"
- $this->assertNotContains(${1:$needle}, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet ascono "$this->assertContainsOnly($needle, $haystack)"
- $this->assertContainsOnly(${1:$needle}, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet asconoi "$this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(Example::class, $haystack)"
- $this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(${1:Example}::class, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet ashk "$this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $array)"
- $this->assertArrayHasKey(${1:$key}, ${2:$array});
-snippet asnhk "$this->assertArrayNotHasKey($key, $array)"
- this->assertArrayNotHasKey(${1:$key}, ${2:$array});
-snippet ascha "$this->assertClassHasAttribute($name, Example::class)"
- $this->assertClassHasAttribute(${1:$attributeName}, ${2:Example}::class);
-snippet asi "$this->assertInstanceOf(Example::class, $actual)"
- $this->assertInstanceOf(${1:Example}::class, ${2:$actual});
-snippet asit "$this->assertInternalType('string', $actual)"
- $this->assertInternalType(${1:'string'}, ${2:actual});
-snippet asco "$this->assertCount($count, $haystack)"
- $this->assertCount(${1:$expectedCount}, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet asnco "$this->assertNotCount($count, $haystack)"
- $this->assertNotCount(${1:$count}, ${2:$haystack});
-snippet assub "$this->assertArraySubset($subset, $array)"
- $this->assertArraySubset(${1:$subset}, ${2:$array});
-snippet asnu "$this->assertNull($a)"
- $this->assertNull(${1});
-snippet asnnu "$this->assertNotNull($a)"
- $this->assertNotNull(${1});
-snippet test "public function testXYZ() { ... }"
- public function test${1}()
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet setup "protected function setUp() { ... }"
- protected function setUp()
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet teardown "protected function tearDown() { ... }"
- protected function tearDown()
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-snippet proph "$observer = $this->prophesize(SomeClass::class);"
- $${1:observer} = $this->prophesize(${2:SomeClass}::class);
-snippet mock "$mock = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);"
- $${1:mock} = $this->createMock(${2:SomeClass}::class);
-snippet exp "phpunit expects"
- expects($this->${1:once}())
- ->method('${2}')
- ->with(${3})
- ->willReturn(${4});
-snippet testcmt "phpunit comment with group"
- /**
- * @group ${1}
- */
-snippet fail "$this->fail()"
- $this->fail(${1});
-snippet marki "$this->markTestIncomplete()"
- $this->markTestIncomplete(${1});
-snippet marks "$this->markTestSkipped()"
- $this->markTestSkipped(${1});
-# end of phpunit snippets
-snippet te "throw new Exception()"
- throw new ${1:Exception}("${2:Error Processing Request}");
-snippet fpc "file_put_contents" b
- file_put_contents(${1:file}, ${2:content}${3:, FILE_APPEND});$0
-snippet sr "str_replace"
- str_replace(${1:search}, ${2:replace}, ${3:subject})$0
-snippet ia "in_array"
- in_array(${1:needle}, ${2:haystack})$0
-snippet is "isset"
- isset(${1:var})$0
-snippet isa "isset array"
- isset($${1:array}[${2:key}])$0
-snippet in "is_null"
- is_null($${1:var})$0
-snippet fe "file_exists"
- file_exists(${1:file})$0
-snippet id "is_dir"
- is_dir(${1:path})$0
diff --git a/snippets/scheme.snippets b/snippets/scheme.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa1379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snippets/scheme.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+snippet +
+ (+ ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet -
+ (- ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet /
+ (/ ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet *
+ (* ${1}
+ ${0})
+# Definition
+snippet def
+ (define (${1:name})
+ ${0:definition})
+# Definition with lambda
+snippet defl
+ (define ${1:name}
+ (lambda (x)(${0:definition})))
+# Condition
+snippet cond
+ (cond ((${1:predicate}) (${2:action}))
+ ((${3:predicate}) (${0:action})))
+# If statement
+snippet if
+ (if (${1:predicate})
+ (${2:true-action})
+ (${0:false-action}))
diff --git a/snippets/snippets.snippets b/snippets/snippets.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d932a..0000000
--- a/snippets/snippets.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# snippets for making snippets :)
-snippet snip
- snippet ${1:trigger} "${2:description}"
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet v
-snippet $
- ${${1:1}:${0:text}}
diff --git a/snippets/vim.snippets b/snippets/vim.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 85cf292..0000000
--- a/snippets/vim.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-snippet header standard Vim script file header
- " File: ${1:`expand('%:t')`}
- " Author: ${2:`g:snips_author`}
- " Description: ${3}
- ${0:" Last Modified: `strftime("%B %d, %Y")`}
-snippet guard script reload guard
- if exists('${1:did_`vim_snippets#Filename()`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
- finish
- endif
- let $1 = 1${0}
-snippet f function
- fun! ${1:`expand('%') =~ 'autoload' ? substitute(matchstr(expand('%:p'),'autoload/\zs.*\ze.vim'),'[/\\]','#','g').'#' : ''`}${2:function_name}(${3})
- ${0}
- endf
-snippet t try ... catch statement
- try
- ${1:${VISUAL}}
- catch ${2}
- ${0}
- endtry
-snippet for for ... in loop
- for ${1} in ${2}
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- endfor
-snippet forkv for [key, value] in loop
- for [${1},${2}] in items(${3})
- ${0}
- unlet $1 $2
- endfor
-snippet wh while loop
- while ${1}
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- endw
-snippet if if statement
- if ${1}
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- endif
-snippet ife if ... else statement
- if ${1}
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- else
- ${0}
- endif
-snippet au augroup ... autocmd block
- augroup ${1:AU_NAME}
- autocmd!
- autocmd ${2:BufRead,BufNewFile} ${3:*.ext,*.ext3|<buffer[=N]>} ${0}
- augroup END
-snippet auv augroupvisual ... autocmd block with visual placeholder
- augroup ${1:AU_NAME}
- autocmd!
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- augroup END
-snippet bun Vundle.vim Plugin definition
- Plugin '${0}'
-snippet plug vim-plug Plugin definition
- Plug '${0}'
-snippet plugdo vim-plug Plugin definition with { 'do': '' }
- Plug '${1}', { 'do': '${0}' }
-snippet plugon vim-plug Plugin definition with { 'on': '' }
- Plug '${1}', { 'on': '${0}' }
-snippet plugfor vim-plug Plugin definition with { 'for': '' }
- Plug '${1}', { 'for': '${0}' }
-snippet plugbr vim-plug Plugin definition with { 'branch': '' }
- Plug '${1}', { 'branch': '${0}' }
-snippet plugtag vim-plug Plugin definition with { 'tag': '' }
- Plug '${1}', { 'tag': '${0}' }
-snippet let
- let ${1:variable} = ${0: value}
-snippet se
- set ${1:setting};
-snippet set
- set ${1:setting} = ${0:value}
-snippet nn
- nnoremap ${1} ${2}<CR>
-snippet no
- noremap ${1} ${2}
-snippet vm
- vmap ${1} ${2}
-snippet im
- imap ${1} ${2}
-snippet exe
- execute ${1}
-snippet filename
- `Filename()`
diff --git a/snippets/xml.snippets b/snippets/xml.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab346b..0000000
--- a/snippets/xml.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# xml declaration
-snippet xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-# tag
-snippet t
- <${1:}>
- ${2}
- </$1>
-# inline tag
-snippet ti
- <${1:}>${2}</$1>
diff --git a/snippets/zsh.snippets b/snippets/zsh.snippets
index 485766f..a70162d 100644
--- a/snippets/zsh.snippets
+++ b/snippets/zsh.snippets
@@ -1,68 +1 @@
-# #!/bin/zsh
-extends bash
-snippet #!
- #!/usr/bin/env zsh
-snippet if
- if $1; then
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- fi
-snippet ife
- if $1; then
- ${2:${VISUAL}}
- else
- ${0:# statements}
- fi
-snippet eif
- elif $1; then
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet for
- for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet fori
- for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack}; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet fore
- for ${1:item} in ${2:list}; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet wh
- while $1; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet until
- until $1; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet repeat
- repeat ${1:integer}; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet case
- case ${1:word} in
- ${2:pattern})
- ${0};;
- esac
-snippet select
- select ${1:answer} in ${2:choices}; do
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- done
-snippet (
- ( ${0:#statements} )
-snippet {
- { ${0:#statements} }
-snippet [
- [[ ${0:test} ]]
-snippet always
- { ${1:try} } always { ${0:always} }
-snippet fun
- ${1:function_name}() {
- ${0:# function_body}
- }
-snippet ffun
- function ${1:function_name}() {
- ${0:# function_body}
- }
+extends sh