BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
artixUpdateRatakor8 months
masterSwitch to wayland, need to finish bar configRatakor7 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-03-20Switch to wayland, need to finish bar configHEADmasterRatakor
2023-12-10Move neovim config to lua with lazy.nvimRatakor
2023-11-30Remove asm.vim + add neotest and vividRatakor
2023-10-18Add more packages and small config changesRatakor
2023-08-30Update, more info in commit messageRatakor
2023-08-13Readd sic, remove exa + rg, add tpercent, gruvboxRatakor
2023-07-12* Replace man-db with mandocRatakor
2023-07-11Swap dwmblocks to sbRatakor
2023-06-30Improve plumber and other changesRatakor
2023-05-23Various fixes and small changesRatakor