AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-08Add user warning on lbraid/uraidHEADmasterRatakor
2023-11-18Replace Chuck Norris quotes with South Path quotesRatakor
2023-11-15Remove overcap_dmg and switch to concord 2.0.0Ratakor
2023-11-15Rework quotes in zigRatakor
2023-09-01Move CHANNEL_ID_HALF/DOUBLE to config.hRatakor
2023-09-01Add half and double channel for raid damageRatakor
2023-08-30Revert U32CASTRatakor
2023-08-27Fix bug raid ocr and change U32CAST and write_dataRatakor
2023-08-08Remove libre, add dalloc, add ubik func to utilRatakor
2023-08-08Use curl_easy_strerror() for curl errorsRatakor
2023-08-08Fix Makefile and discord-*-message in util.cRatakor
2023-08-07Fix segfault with on_readyRatakor
2023-08-07Add discord_send_interaction_message + bug fixRatakor
2023-08-07Replace libre/x to funcs in util.cRatakor
2023-07-31Change players to a linked listv0.1.0Ratakor
2023-07-30Update libre + add cleanupRatakor
2023-07-27Fix cmd_uraid, cmd_time and stats name allocRatakor
2023-07-15Fix load_files(_uraid) that was missing a dayRatakor
2023-07-15Use gmtime instead of localtime for cmd_timeRatakor
2023-07-15add on_time_interaction to run.cRatakor
2023-07-15Add time command and remove kingdom_slayersRatakor
2023-07-15Fix rectangle creation for big dpi in ocr.cRatakor
2023-07-15Fix overcap msgRatakor
2023-07-14Improve uraidRatakor
2023-07-12Fix alloc for players[i].kingdomRatakor
2023-07-11Fix bug with alloc for slayersRatakor
2023-07-10Remove DIFF from cmd_uraid and raidsRatakor
2023-07-10Add automatic redo if parsing fails for raidsRatakor
2023-07-08Fix raids image filenameRatakor
2023-07-07Change raids to handle multiple screenshotsRatakor
2023-07-07Update raids error messageRatakor
2023-07-06Add header line to lbraidRatakor
2023-07-06Remove adjust and update libreRatakor
2023-07-03Use uint32_t for slayers + add dalloc commentsRatakor
2023-07-03Update Makefiles + add librev0.0.12Ratakor
2023-06-26Clean main.c + fix ifmt when dsiz == 0 in util.cRatakor
2023-06-19Fix init, remove efreopen, add stdint.h to utilRatakor
2023-06-19Replace die with err/errxRatakor
2023-06-19Fix '*' not being escaped in the stats quoteRatakor
2023-06-18Replace logging system with concord's oneRatakor
2023-06-16Fix ifmt return valueRatakor
2023-06-16Rework quotes, add i/ufmt, add copyright to filesv0.0.11Ratakor
2023-06-16Move check_delim() to stats.c to check kingdom tooRatakor
2023-06-16Remove SIGSEGV handler and fix cmd_correctRatakor
2023-06-16Rework log + add SIGSEGV handling for concord bugRatakor
2023-06-15Remove ' printf flag and change SlayersRatakor
2023-06-15Change logging format and add ltimeRatakor
2023-06-14Debug and rework init_players + add LOGRatakor
2023-06-14Remove use_embed and kingdoms[]v0.0.10Ratakor